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New Contact, Default flow Out of office hours notifications

There may be a requirement to start a specific flow when a new contact sends any message for the very first time to the BOT.

Configure New Contact flow

  1. Click on Settings icon from the sidebar.
Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 2 19 54 PM
  1. Click on the Flowsfrom the left panel.
  1. Select New contact flow **** checkbox. If the New contact flow checkbox is unselected, then no flow will execute for the new contact for the very first message.
  1. Select the flow from the dropdown which you want to execute when a new contact sends a message for the very first time.
  1. Click on the Save button
Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 3 38 05 PM

There may be a requirement to send automated responses, when contact send any keyword which is not assigned to any flow or send responses during the non working hours. NGOs can configure Default flow in Glific and assign a flow to respond.

Configure Default flow

  1. Click on Settings icon from sidebar.
Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 3 24 18 PM
  1. Click on Flows from left panel.
  1. Select Default flow checkbox.

  2. Select the flow, which you want to use as default flow.

  3. Select the days of working from the dropdown

  4. Select the startand stop hours from the clock icon.

Trigger a flow during non working hours

  1. Select the flow which you want to trigger, if user sends any message in out of operations hours.(Hours outside of the hours selected for default flow) .

  2. Click on Save button activate it.

  1. You can deactivate it any time by unselecting the Default flow checkbox.

Some details about Default flow flow.

  1. It will not work for new contacts, when they message it for the very first time.
  2. If beneficiary enters any keyword of any flow, then that particular flow will execute, not the flow selected in out of Hours of operation .
  3. The out of Hours of operationflow will be executed only once in a day for each contact,

Regular Expression Flow

  1. Regular expressions (or regex) helps you find and work with text, based on patterns.

  2. Thus making it a powerful tool for searching, replacing, or validating information in a large set of data.

  3. For a simple regular expression to match a 10-digit number, you can use: “[0-9]10

  4. You can read and play around with regular expressions here

  5. The selected flow will trigger when end-users aren’t in any flow, their message doesn’t match any keyword, and their message matches the regular expression defined under Regular Expression.